Frequently Asked Questions
The Beacon Resource Center is currently debt free and will continue to move forward with renovations as cash becomes available. While we are excited to see the building totally remodeled, we know that transformation is sometimes as much about the process as the finished product. 23,000 square feet of the building is currently renovated, leaving 27,000 square feet unfinished.
Facility Requests are reviewed and approved by the Beacon Board of Directors. The Beacon is a shared community resource center with a focus on offering facility space to groups who align with our mission: Partnering together to bring transformation in everyday life. All facility use must be for the purposes in keeping with The Beacon’s mission.
Fill out and submit a Facility Request form, located here.
Though The Beacon was purchased and founded by Riverside Church, it is a separate legal entity (and has its own 501(c)3 status). Riverside is an anchor tenant—meaning they pay a significant amount of operating expenses in order to rent space on Sundays. While Riverside will always play an active role as a founding partner and anchor tenant, The Beacon has formed (and continues to form) many partnerships with outside organizations who will all have a place at the table.
Yes! You can give a secure, online donation by clicking here.
We would not exist without the many individuals who have given of their time to make The Beacon a reality, and we will continue to rely heavily on volunteers. At this point, most of our volunteer needs are one-time work days. To get involved in a future work day, contact us here.